Saturday, December 1, 2007

Pro Java Programming, Second Edition

Pro Java Programming, Second Edition by Brett Spell (Author)720 pages Apress; 2 edition (2005) English 1590594746 4.6 MB
Pro Java Programming, J2SE 5.0 Edition is ideal for the experienced C++, Perl or other language programmer who is new to Java or to the Java programmer who is beyond the Beginning level Java book. Pro Java Programming covers the latest J2SE 5.0 platform and the core JDK. It shows how to take advantage of the finer points of the core and standard edition of Java 2. Over the course of this book, you'll discover the particulars of working with the Java language and APIs to develop applications in many different contexts - as well as delving into more advanced topics such as enums, generics, XML, metadata or the Swing APIs for graphical user interface design and development. By the end of the book, you'll be fully prepared to take advantage of the ease of development Java offers, and able to create powerful and sophisticated Java applications.Brett Spell has been programming professionally in Java since 1996 and is a Sun-certified Java programmer, developer, and architect. Brett is a regular contributor to Java Pro magazine and former columnist on design patterns for the Intel Developer Services web site. He currently lives in Plano, Texas, with his wife, Shari, and daughters, Ashleigh and Kaitlin.

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