Saturday, December 1, 2007

Wireless Java : Developing with Java 2, Micro Edition by Jonathan Knudsen

Wireless Java : Developing with Java 2, Micro Edition by Jonathan KnudsenPublisher: Apress (June 2001) ISBN: 189311550X CHM 1,6 Mb 226 pages

Although Java is incredibly popular, the standard edition of Java is way too big and way too bulky for building applications for wireless devices, such as the Palm or cell phones. Thus Sun has released "Java 2 Micros Edition" (J2ME). J2ME has the potential to be as revolutionary in the wireless space as Java has been in the server space. This is the first book that uses the current version of J2ME to give real code for real applications, including extensive coverage of the new and exciting concept of "MIDIlets". You won't here find fluff, history, or recapitulation of standard Java information. You will find lots of working code based on the shipping version of J2ME and comprehensive coverage of J2ME's uses in everything from Palms to cell phones, all written by one of the leading authors in the Java space. Jonathan Knudsen is one of the leading authors in the Java space. His previous Java books were all extraordinarily well received and best-sellers in their respective categories: Java 2D Graphics, Java Cryptography, and contributed to Java Swing, the Java AWT Reference, and the second and third editions of Exploring Java. (He even wrote the O'Reilly book on LEGO MINDSTORMS!) He also writes a monthly online column called 'Bite-Size Java'.

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